Friday, November 4, 2011

A lot going on

Ok, it's official.  After months of being obsessed with fashion, craft and DIY blogs, I am starting my own!  Before we get into my first outfit description, let me tell a little about my own brand of psychosis.  After getting hooked on blogs by my friend JD, I mentally started mine several months ago!  I would rush into work and send JD an IM with the "title" of my post or outfit for that day.  And let me tell you, in MY mind, I had more followers than Miss Kendi!  And now after all those months of mental prep, I am finally doing it.  So along with being a single mom to my lil Muffin, working full-time, learning to crochet (more on that later), and attempting a social life - I have layered on a blog.  Nice.  Well, let's hope I'm not too dorky or tacky to crack the 10 follower mark.

This outfit, like my life, has a lot going on.....we've got a little pattern mixing with the plaid and stripes, a sort of arm meeting (I can't seem to work up to a proper arm party), a pop of color in my belt, blissfully long 36" inseam jeans and the most comfy ankle boots e-ver! 

I'm official!



  1. Hi Veronica. Congratulations on the start of your new blog! I've been trying to locate other bloggers in Greensboro and just by chance happened upon your blog tonight. I'm hoping to put together a Triad area blogger met-up for lunch one Saturday in January or February. Would you be interested in joining us? I'm your newest follower!

  2. Very cute...good luck with your new venture!

  3. Congrats, on your newest project. You look fantastic.


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